A series of illustrations documenting the wonderful two week food festival HU3 Come to Tea. The festival celebrated local people, chefs, growers, creators and community.
Noosh-e-jaan in persian means ‘May it nourish your soul’ and is a common phrase you would hear when offered food in a persian household. The phrase summed up the warmth and joy there is in sharing food with others, which is what this festival was all about!
The illustrations were developed from drawings from life during the HU3 Come to Tea festival and then printed using Tetra pack prints. The method involves scoring into unused packaging and inking up the plates using a traditional intaglio technique. The work was then digitised and animated, in Noosh-e-jaan.
A zine was produced to celebrate the festival and sold to raise money for Giroscope a charity based in Hull that renovates empty homes to help provide affordable housing.