I’m a freelance illustrator from Hull, UK. I work closely with clients on work that often has story-telling and community at its centre. My projects have involved a variety of outcomes from animations, prints and zines to community art. My work playfully combines printmaking and collage layered in the digital space.


Email:  [email protected]

Instagram: @layla_jab



MA Illustration, Falmouth University, Distinction, 2023
BA Fine Art and Art History, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

Shortlisted for Ones to Watch 2024, Sunnybank Mills, showcasing emerging talent, March – April 2024
Shortlisted Flourish Awards for Printmaking Excellence, WYPW, May 2024
Longlisted World Illustration Awards, 2023 Project inspired by Hull Refugee Week
Selected for Inter_change programme , Absolutely Cultured, Hull 2024


Hull on the Rise, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, Oct 2023 – April 2024
Open Exhibition, Old Parcels Office, Scarborough, Feb – March 2024
Ones to Watch, Sunnybank Mills, Leeds, March- April 2024
What We Do, Gallery 87, Hull, Jan -March 2024
Flourish Awards For Printmaking Excellence, WYPW, Huddersfield, Hot Bed Press, Salford, 20:21 Gallery, Scunthorpe, May – November 2024
Hull Print Collective, Ropewalk Gallery, Barton, April 2024 – May 2024
Impressions, Eastgate Studio, Beverley, May – June 2024
My clients include the University of Hull and the Environment Agency. I have had work published in Artist Responding To magazine, Sonder series and the Critical Fish publication.


I love running workshops and have done so in conjunction with Hull Zine library and Sunnybank Mills.

Portrait image of Layla Jabbari

I would love to work with you!

Say hello [email protected]

Instagram: @layla_jab